Randy Shivak's Spectrohelioscope Specifications:
- Diffraction Grating- Bausch & Lomb 64mm X 64mm, 600g/mm, blaze angle
54deg 6min.
- Linear Dispersion- 1.5 angstroms per mm.
- Grating Resolution- .05 angstroms.
- Littrow Focal Length- 104 inches.
- Slit Height-1 1/4 inches.
- Entrance and exit slits adjustable in width, plus both rotate to
compensate for spectral line tilt.
- Mototized X & Y motions to position image and Z motion to focus image on
entrance slit.
- Spectrograph head detached from optics to insure no vibration to the
- Numerical readout for the littrow lens focusing.
- Motorized occulting disk.
- Anderson prisms for visual work.
- Precision screw drive for oscillating slits, with safety clutch.
- Grating micrometer direct reading to .0001 inch and further grating
control to .0000025 inch.
- Height 70 inches. Depth 20 3/4 inches. Width 28 inches. Weight 170 lbs.
- 25 ft. Vacuum tower telescope to 30 inches Hg.
- 12 inch Lens diameter F26.6 plano-convex BK-7.
- Coelostat design 12-3/8" primary, 12- 3/8" secondary, better than 1/10
- Computer- DEC LSI 11/23 controls coelostat and dome functions.

Shivak's House, and Solar Tower